D-iLMS Integrated Learning Management System - an innovative and comprehensive solutions for learning journey. D-iLMS is integrated with the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) systems for seamless process and information flow. D-iLMS is also integrated with other DSMR value-added systems to provide a One-Stop Portal for training administration and operations.

D-Treno provides everything you need to manage your training courses - creation of courses, scheduling, rooms and trainers assignment, courseware management, attendance and assessment management, seats reservation, wait list management, e-Certificates, trainers honorarium, meal management, sales team management, revenue report etc.
D-Treno Learners and Corporate Portal caters to trainees learning journey - make online registration and payment, reschedule/withdraw from courses, monitor learning journey, and more.
D-Treno manages both standalone courses as well as multi-modules programs.
D-Treno is integrated with SSG TPGateway and enhanced SkillsFuture Credit Systems.

Designed with Candidates in mind - a Candidate Cockpit Dashboard which not only provides a bird eye view of assessment status, but also to conveniently manouvre assessment questions. D-Genio also cater for vision impaired Candidates.
D-Genio comprehensive modules covers the entire Assessment Journey - Candidate Portal, Assessment Scheduling, e-Certificate, Invigilator Module, Assessor Module, Smart Question Bank, Invoicing and Receipt, Conferment Module, and more.
D-Genio Proctoring System's AI-based alerts system, secure browser, identification management, invigilator candidates monitoring matrix, recording option, etc - an essential assessment system for Training Providers and Assessment Centres.

A One-Stop Portal for Trainers to manage and administer their classes. D-TP automatically sends course reminders to Trainers, allows Trainers to view course assignments, clock-in or clock-out from class, mark Trainees' attendance and assessment online, conduct virtual live class, administer course evaluation, and more. Attendance and Assessment Reports generated meet Authority's requirements.
D-TP also helps to auto compute Trainers' Honorarium for payment.
D-TP is integrated with the D-Treno Training Management System, D-EVAL , D-PROMS and D-BIDS.

A comprehensive and configurable Course Evaluation System. D-EVAL provides configurable templates, shared question bank, tagging of question owner, configurable question type and answer choice (e.g. carry forward response question, short answer question, Likert Scales, etc.).
D-EVAL also supports major languages, enables survey start and end date, and comes with auto QR Code Generator, etc. Trainees scan QR Code to participate in the course evaluation, and system auto computes evaluation scores and generate report. Course Eval Reports generated are designed to meet Authority's requirements.

One-Stop Professional Management and Repository System for Trainers, Associate Trainers, Invigilators, Assessors and Content Developers. D-PROMS enables Trainers to update their profiles, upload new certificates, submit qualification for new courses, and more. D-PROMS auto reminds Training Providers on Trainers' certificates and contracts expiry. D-PROMS also auto compute Trainers Effectiveness Rating for last 12 months from D-EVAL scores.